Customer needed a process in which castings could be cooled within an efficient space and time period with no transmittal of force to the environment as was being experienced from vibratory units provided from past suppliers, and without a re-design of the existing plant footprint.
The customer engaged GK after their current supplier would no longer support their excessive environmental vibration transmission issue.
GK’s Engineered Solutions Group and GK’s Engineered Products Group used an integrated team approach to produce a patented casting cooling spiral conveyor.
GK’s solution provided a new process that cooled castings in a footprint reduced by a factor of eight. The vibratory casting cooling spiral produced very efficient heat transfer by containing ventilation to work area instead of across entire plant floor. The new design completely dampened environmental impact, reduced re-work, and therefore product costs. GK’s Engineered Products Group delivered new product / process within 16 months of design start.