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DE-STONER® Air Classifier Discovery

 by Sarah Maher,

A proud occasion for General Kinematics is learning about the history surrounding a unit running strong for over 20 years. We build our products to last, but it is always a “proud parent” moment to discover a success story first hand, and see how they have survived the battle against time and harsh environments. One such moment took place just across the St. Mary River in the town of Sault Ste Marie, where 20 years ago General Kinematics engineered a multi-function DE-STONER® Air Classifier to process MDF Board.


This multi-function process involves scalping off large segments, then separating the various pieces of wood by density after the trees are shredded. The lighter wood needs to be separated from the denser pieces in order for the engineered MDF board to be strong and not degrade easily. Since installation, the DE-STONER® Air Classifier had been processing 9000 FT3/hour of abrasive wood particles per hour, 24/7, for 20 years. When General Kinematics engineers were called in to replace this machine they were amazed at what they found.


The MDF Board processor’s DE-STONER® was still working well given the fact that it was one of the earliest designs for its size. While the scalping and density separation process was very effective, mechanically the balancer design could stand an upgrade.


The plant was extremely satisfied with the processing capabilities of the GK equipment and did not hesitate when deciding to install a second DE-STONER® to tackle their increased capacity. Now when combined with the original DE-STONER® it will give the plant increased production for many years to come.


GK makes products to last and handle any challenge. We are also in tune with our customer’s requirements and open to improvements where needed. The company is satisfied with the DE-STONER® and its ability to separate their wood material effectively. In review, Dick Reeves, Director of Resource Recovery summed up GK’s part in this project “At the end of the day, we need to meet and or exceed our customer’s processing requirements. That’s what we achieved for this customer. ”
To learn more about how you can increase throughput and achieve higher profits, Call GK!


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