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A side by side image comparing the GK manufacturing facility before and after the new lights.
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: General Kinematics Reduces Light Energy Consumption by 44%

 by Jack McLellan,

For Immediate Release

General Kinematics

Marketing Dept.: (815) 444-3521

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: General Kinematics Reduces Light Energy Consumption by 44%

September 13, 2023: General Kinematics, a vibratory equipment manufacturer and system integrator located in Crystal Lake, Illinois, installed new eco-friendly lights in their primary 262,000-square-foot manufacturing plant. General Kinematics aims to reduce its energy consumption by replacing the existing HPS lights with sustainable LED lights.

The new lights are estimated to reduce energy consumption by 44% annually compared to the old ones, reducing their environmental footprint. In total, General Kinematics replaced 290 old 400W HPS lights with 222 173W and 68 178W LEDs. General Kinematics is dedicated to producing machinery sustainably and is moving toward further modernizing its manufacturing facilities.

“We measure our business investments against our sustainability goals. This project was an easy victory because it accomplished, in a significant way, a reduction in energy and resource consumption”, commented General Kinematics CEO Tom Musschoot. 

The financial impact of this change will be $10,782.53 in annual savings. Additionally, it represents yet another step the company is making to upgrade the working environment for its employees. 

Ben Kearns, Production Manager at General Kinematics, commented, “It’s a day and night difference, literally. It sets the tone for how our shop is changing, and when the guys see the reinvestment in their workspace, it’s a definite boost to morale”. 

The GK warehouse before and after switching to LED lights.
The GK warehouse before (left) and after (right) switching to LED lights. Pictures taken by GK’s Rob Fankhauser.



About General Kinematics

General Kinematics Corporation, incorporated in 1960, was established to market, design, and custom fabricate innovative vibratory equipment for the foundry, recycling, mining, and processing industries. Today the company continues as one of the world’s largest suppliers of vibratory processing equipment and has evolved into an industry-leading EPC firm. Headquartered in Crystal Lake, IL, General Kinematics has seven global locations providing engineering and support to a worldwide customer base. GK is a third-generation, family-owned company and is ISO 9001 certified.


Jack McLellan

Marketing Coordinator

Jack specializes in creating compelling digital marketing content such as social media, blog posts, newsletters, and more. He works with General Kinematics industry experts to develop educational content for the foundry, recycling, mining, and aggregate industries.