Used equipment can be a great idea if you are just starting off or trying to save in a pinch. There are a few stipulations and situations to be aware of, however, when looking specifically for this type of processing equipment.
Know What You Want
Before deciding to purchase used equipment because of the lower initial price, make sure you know what you want. Is this going to replace an existing unit? Are you looking to upgrade? Is the current running unit standard or was it customized to fit in a certain area or perform a specific task for your application? It’s important to know exactly what you are looking for before you start your search. Many unexpected costs can arise when transporting and installing equipment as well, so it is smart to keep a cushion in your budget for any unanticipated costs.
Budget, Budget, Budget!
Much like when buying a car you need to have a plan. What’s your budget? What can you afford to give up to meet your budget and what can’t you live without? If the car looks great and has all of the features you want but has 180,000 miles on it, it may not be a great investment and could end up costing you more in the long run. Be aware of your surroundings. If you’re buying from Joe’s Chop Shop and the equipment looks neglected and not well maintained, odds are it could have been that way for years and may not be running for much longer.
Get it Inspected
When it comes to the lifespan of the equipment it depends heavily on the care it was given by the previous owner and of course the original manufacturer. There are hundreds of General Kinematics units that have been running for over 30 years, but if the unit has been neglected there are no promises that that unit will follow suit. It is always better to find equipment that is in good working condition and from a trusted manufacturer.
Environment Matters
Be sure that the equipment you are looking to acquire can work well in your environment. Drastic temperatures can greatly affect your equipment’s performance, not to mention working with abrasive material. In some cases, changes can be made in an effort to support your environment, however, this is not always possible and it is always a good idea to get the original manufacturer involved before deciding to buy.
What is your timeline?
If a running unit unexpectedly went out of commission how much downtime can you afford? The answer to this question can greatly affect the quality of unit you will acquire. You may not have enough time to do an adequate amount of searching to get the most bang for your buck. Be sure to leave in time to have the equipment checked over by the original manufacturer or trusted technician. General Kinematics is available to perform these checks when needed but if there is a major time crunch things tend to get tricky.
When you find the perfect used equipment for your process there is one more thing to remember: always get it in writing. As with many other situations in business, getting the details in writing can save you from any headaches in the future.
Don’t Stress!
There is a way to get around a lot of the issues and headaches that come with finding the perfect used unit for you. Buying Certified Refurbished equipment like the equipment GK offers is a great way to get trusted pre-owned equipment that is like new. In other cases the units have never even seen production conditions and are in pristine condition. All units have been inspected and maintained by GK engineers to ensure the reliability and performance you expect when purchasing a piece of GK equipment.
Check out all GK New and Certified Pre-Owned equipment on our In-Stock page!
Interested in used equipment or need an inspection? Call GK.